Ultrahiker Andrew Skurka's Nine Skills to Help You Pack Lighter - National Geographic ADVENTURE

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February 21, 2012


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I am also attending a risk and adventure class, and the concepts behind the article make perfect sense. We make risk in our lives to keep it exciting and motivating

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Bailey said he puts Manning at the top of the QB list because of the "way he breaks down a defense and pretty much tell you what you're in and half the guys on defense don't even know what we're doing. It's sad but true. You try to trick him as much as possible, but for some reason, somebody always tips him and he knows, he just knows."


very nice share! thank you.

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I am happy to find so many useful information here in the post, thanks for sharing.

David Ng

Amazing Adventure Experience! Thank you very much for your post!


Andrew, the post's great. What's your next trip schedule?


That's the perfect pack for traveling,
Thanks Andrew Skurka.I like your posts so much.


Greatests tips for free :)


Classic!Life should not have total think has been lost and did not get, think! Learn to be satisfied! Otherwise, your life is a glass of water!The heart, resounded through the state of mind, well written, it can cause heart resonance.Really touched! Moved from the heart to think about today's society, today's life!!


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Thanks for sharing this wonderful adventure experience.

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