Top Snowboarders Face Off in Travis Rice's Supernatural at Baldface, B.C. (Video) - National Geographic ADVENTURE

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February 03, 2012



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I like your inspiration,very skillful people,you guy are excellent Rice.

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When we see others do it, it is very exciting. However, when it comes to ourselves, I think most of the guys will feel risky and dangerous.


With the advent of technology and the rise of adventure filming, I find it incredible the lengths that people like Travis Rice go to in order to seek adventure, perfect their craft, and explore new terrain. I believe that films like "The Art of Flight" not only inspire young men and women who themselves snowboard (my little brother being one of his biggest fans), but also people outside the sport get a chance to see a beauty and adventure that they may not otherwise get to experience. Snowboarding is not only a rising career form, it is an instrument for sharing with the world a part of humanity - adventure.


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A little risky but really exciting!!!

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Some days I wish to be a bit younger! I have watch these guys do their thing..Wow!


Wow..Very interesting! Thank you for the ideas


This is one of the scariest adventure so far. I want to try but too risky for me.

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Thanks for the tips.

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Scary and risky. But the people who engage in this Supernatural competition will certainly all be the winners because not everyone is capable of reaching heights like these.

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