World's Best Hikes: 7 Insider Tips to Maximize Your Hike to Machu Picchu - National Geographic ADVENTURE

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June 29, 2011


David Ng



The ruins along the trail are unique, and were almost certainly built for ceremonial purposes. The Incas were pantheists who worshipped nature.


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Trail requires equal parts dreaming and strategizing—not to mention a few trips to the gym. Here are a few tips on how to get the most out of your trek.

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Don’t even think about scalping a permit. A passport number is required to secure a place, and permits are non-transferable.


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It’s increasing the accuracy of aerial maps by an order of magnitude; indeed, the U.S. Geological Survey is currently working to remap every state with LIDAR.


The best way to arrive, of course, is by hiking the Inca Trail. (A path, incidentally, that was another one of Bingham’s finds..

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One of the saddest—and, sadly, most common—sights around late afternoon on the Inca Trail is that of two or more porters pushing and pulling a woefully out-of-shape client up a steep incline.

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Good shot. A stunt like this would probably scare me more than anything, not a big fan of heights. I wonder if the mongoose xr-75 could do this as well??


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I have my ticket to fly to Peru in March so with any luck your excellent article will help me get the best from my trip. Cheers!


What's that structure? Ancient Inca city?

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Yet another great and beautiful, very beautiful picture!!

Thank you


Heading out to South America in August, can't wait.

Thanks for the tips (and traps


Or you could hire a mule driver and trek into Choquiquiroao for a tenth of the cost. Its not regulated by the Peruvian govt, so its cheap, cheap and you'll be one of maybe twenty across the entire ruins.

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Wow, that photo cannot possibly be real can it? I mean that photo looks like a videogame or something that someone painted, is it real?

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I would love to see Machu Picchu in person. I have never been outside of the USA besides Canada. Get out and see the world! I want to see things that I have studied in history books.


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Visiting Machu Picchu in January, during the rainy season, we'd read to dress warm and expect rain and fog. The day we went it turned out warm, bright and very sunny. thanks

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I would imagine that you need to be extremely fit to climb what equates to climbing the Empire State Building 3 times in one day. Wow! Better go prepared.

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