iPad 2 For Travel: New Travel Apps, iMovie Trip Videos, Battery Life Tips, More - National Geographic ADVENTURE

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April 11, 2011


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Apple has added significant new features to iPad 2—such as the front- and back-facing cameras

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I think it is very great to carry iPad 2 with you during the travel, we can enjoy videos, play games and listen to music during the trip, it is really a great enjoyment. Thanks for sharing the info here.


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Since the second generation iPad was released a month ago, much has been said about the new lighter,


The added screen real estate allows for great control and precision while editing your trip video. You can trim video clips before you add them to your edited material.


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This app pairs hi-res images of points-of-interest within National Geographic HD topo trail maps for 15 parks (Yosemite, Yellowstone, Zion, Grand Canyon, Grand Teton, and ten others).

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Apple has added significant new features to iPad 2—such as the front- and back-facing cameras

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