Elephant Ivory Project: Young Explorers in DRC Continue Quest to Stop Elephant Poachers - National Geographic ADVENTURE

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March 22, 2011



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In many cases, elephant are poached for their meat. Their ivory is sold to buy weapons.

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The main reason that cause this problem is that they are poor, they need to do this to make money, so the rich countries should pay attention to them

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She wanted to garner support from the government to get Colonel Toms re-arrested. She also had work to do to make TL2's designation as a National Park official.

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If Teresa and John decide it's safe enough to head into the bush, we'll spend three weeks

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"In many cases, elephant are poached for their meat. Their ivory is sold to buy weapons," says Hart.

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The technique's success depends upon the distribution of populations Wasser has reference samples from. Elephants that live close together share more genes.

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The region's an elephant sanctuary on paper but animals are disappearing there faster than ever.

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I'm glad that these young explorers are actually trying to do something about this. It's so sad to see people hunting down helpless animals, espeically the elephants.


So it really takes you a long journey before you finish your quest to stop elephant poachers...The government must also do a move on protecting wild life in the jungle, not just only elephants...those poachers are hunting animals in the wild life with no exemption.


The main reason that cause this problem is that they are poor, they need to do this to make money, so the rich countries should pay attention to them

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Which could translate into less poaching. If Teresa and John decide it's safe enough to head into the bush, we'll spend three weeks in TL2 collecting 30 samples for 30 different elephant groups.


Young Explorers in DRC Continue Quest to Stop Elephant Poachers and just like that

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