Voluntourism - Why "Helping" Is Not Always Helpful - National Geographic ADVENTURE

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May 11, 2010


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Tourism is the best way to help the community feed their families

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This is a great place to relax.


There's nothing wrong about helping if there's something you can help.

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Now I wish I was there. a wonderful place. Lighting, trees, water clarity.. pleasant place..


Philanthropic travel does have an important role, as indeed it may not be appropriate to offer hands-on volunteering...but if managed properly, the local expert builders can be employed via the traveler's donation as part of their trip fees, and guests can participate in the building project alongside the local experts, and even other members of the community, thus deepening and enriching the experience for the travelers.
In my experience, both philanthropic travel and voluntourism are great, and need to be managed appropriately to ensure that the local communities benefit.

Yours in Adventures That Count
Christopher Hill

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