Alone in the Wild - Live Chat with Ed - National Geographic ADVENTURE

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October 07, 2009



I would love to be there for a week for salmon.We don't have salmon in Vietnam.

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If i would would be alone in the wild for 50 days, i will certainly go home the the following day

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Haha what???? Are you serious?? This guy is a joke!! Stop crying! Get off your butt, rabbits and squirrels aren't hard to hunt.. Forget about the snares. Dig up some worms there packed with protien, maybe it would have been a good idea to research when the salmon run up that river, OR IF THEY EVEN RUN UP THAT RIVER AT ALL!! I haven't even been around women that cry that much. Good drama, terrible survival show

Joe Strickland

Alone in the Wild was a very powerful documentary. When Ed shed tears, I found myself tearing up. What an experience he had.


I love all these survival shows, I find it amazing that ed is able to go throught the hardship and survive by his own, also to be self sufficient. It really shows that we are so disconnected to mother nature when we are living in bright lighted cities, chowing on junk food...

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