Go Green: David Byrne’s Favorite Biking Cities - National Geographic ADVENTURE

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September 08, 2009



David Byrne has traveled all over North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia—and that’s just in the past six months.

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Byrne’s newly released Bicycle Diaries (Viking, $26) chronicles these urban rides. Here are the eight best (in his opinion).—Ryan Bradley..

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It is probable much easier getting around on a bike than in a car in the city.

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People should get used to riding bikes nowadays. We can save a lot and mostly we are doing our part in saving the planet.

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I live in rural Pennsylvania and a lot of old railroad beds are being turned into hiking and bike trails. A lot of them follow rivers and streams and they are very nice for a bike ride. We often follow the river trail and stop to do some fishing. I could not imagine riding a bike in the city when you have beautiful trails in the country.


Look at the bikes, I think they are old but classical, I like them...

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the downtown was jumping, the little neighborhoods thriving, and folks are moving back into the city.

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a Montague folding bike with full-size wheels and good suspension (he once got sore wrists from riding on cobblestones—bad news for a guitar player)

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