Hawaii Protects Coral Reefs With Hefty Fines - National Geographic ADVENTURE

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August 04, 2009


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No exceptions, not even the US Navy, which the state plans to sue over coral ruined when a guided missile cruiser ran aground near Pearl Harbor in February.


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This should be carried out now and forever.

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Clearly the polite route did not have as much of an effect as hitting the offenders where it hurts… their wallets. Now tourists and tour companies alike will have to tread carefully unless they want to pay the big bucks.

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Clearly the polite route did not have as much of an effect as hitting the offenders where it hurts… their wallets.

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To ensure their future, the State of Hawaii is cracking down to protect its greatest resource.

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There's no harm in bringing them in, in our kitchen and adding them in our menus just to balance the food chain under the sea...

Dick McClary

Saltwater fishermen and some sailors (not this one, I hasten to add) can be a little careless where they anchor, often creating coral damage in the process.
Most damage isn't done by the anchor itself, but by the anchor chain as it sweeps back and forth due to changes in current and wind direction acting on the boat.
Hefty fines are just the thing to make them think before they drop the hook.

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Coral is very important, so great that somebody is doing the right things to protect

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Important news because Coral is unique such a nature wonder!

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Coral is very important to preserve and if it takes fines to do it then that is what should be done.

The general public usually do what they want even if there are signs up unless there is someone to stop them and if it a popular place for visitors then it is more important to stop the destruction before it is all gone.


this was not helpful

Rebecca Love

This is a great initiative. I think fining people is the only way to ever make them understand the importance of a subject.

Patience Novak

this is dumb it doesn't help me

Zach Everson

Excellent news! Despite a mandatory video for all visitors, we still saw swimmers at Hanauma Bay standing on the coral.


The coral reef eco system is what sustains life on this planet, there should be a HUGE fine for anyone who doesn't respect this.

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